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Shades of Green - Fadi's Look

From our “Shades of Green” photoshoot featuring TFK’s Co-founders.
Fadi went for a comfortably cool outfit with a tropical vibe.

Shop Fadi’s look

(Stay tuned for a hidden meaning that's yet to be announced!)

SHADES OF GREEN - Marianne's Look

From our “Shades of Green” photoshoot featuring TFK’s Co-founders.
Marianne picked a semi-casual boho outfit with this year’s must-have bright green colour.

Shop Marianne’s look

(Stay tuned for a hidden meaning that's yet to be announced!)

Founders' Look
Shades of Green - Karim's Look

From our “Shades of Green”photoshoot featuring TFK’s Co-founders.
Karim picked a smart casual outfit in this season’s trendygreen hues.

Shop Karim’s look

(Stay tuned for a hidden meaning that's yet to be announced!)